Saturday, November 28, 2009

The Cop Feel

Hate crime by my cousins and some contacts " from my previous universities"
Sat, November 28, 2009 3:19:38 PM

Dear Dr. MacDiarmid,

I would like to know how to oblige SFU, UBC, Kwantlen and VCC to investigate a bizarre hate crime committed against me by some former acquaintances.

I have tried to contact the human rights tribunal but have been given the run around I believe since they seem completely unwilling to assist me with some extreme instances of aggravated assault and violent perverted mental cruelty. I believe that this is a hate crime based on gender, ethnic, handicap, and place of origin bases mostly. I am frequently in a lot of physical pain from porno techniques with which I am not particularly familiar since I detest porno. I believe I am being treated with cruel and unusual punishment largely for this reason: eg that I hate vulnerable people being exploited and abused and have attempted to defend them for as long as I can remember.

I do not believe in corporal punishment and I do not believe in the current  "strict" government that only "speaks to" matters that it learned in its schooling. eg the military industrial complex lingo and the lingo used in business. This business perspective hates to educate because you should pay dearly for any info yet at the same time I find myself in a state of slavery whereby I am unable to eat, think, walk, and frequent any social events because of the cruel physical restraints imposed on me by my military/airforce cousins and their business associates. I have also been subjected to extreme sexual cruelty including having been sterilized in Alta. I am attempting to seek redress but am unable to find a lawyer willing to challenge todays ethos; it would be an unpopular position to take. My cousins have logistically isolated me to associate with their business associates who take military industrial complex stances. If I complain about the fact that I only find myself with these people or about the resulting denial of services, then I am physically tortured surrepticiously of course. Because I do not enjoy my cousins company and they hate me quite frankly, I am of the firm belief that the issue of security system traps and the misuse of residential and building security systems is ripe.

Also, i find that other people are unable to voice the fact that they are similarly tortured. I don't receive responses about these matters from the Housing Minister. I can forward my comments to you or you can find them on the net.

I believe it is an education problem. There are no lawyers willing to challenge the privacy issues the universities are unwilling to recall. They pay lip service to being fond of privacy but only for the faculty and staff , I gather. I was disenfranchised  so that I am considered a no problem mark for just about any faculty that wants to hit on me. Where my sense of  humour might have led me, my physical disability has left me without anyone to share my good nature. I am so devastated that a man would dress in a black hood and shoot at me from a hydro apparatus that my fear gets the better of me.

I attempted to complain to the College of Physicians and Surgeons but no one there is of like mind apparently. They apparently believe that passive aggressive logistics by physicians is about as mature as they can get and of course they know they are adult because they use porn.

The lawyers in the community have failed most homeless people. I do not believe I discovered this problem with the security systems and      "policing".  I am a reasonably educated female with a double major but because of the hate crime some of my former acquaintances  and their assoc. were able to get the better of me in a conversation with passive aggressive tactics and aggravated assault.  I need a lawyer to assist me now to defend my interest in work, not being looted and tortured out of housing, and in defending my belief in medicare, education for all Canadians especially, and an environmental position that means a return for the earth, air flora and fauna. Is there a lawyer that would be there under probono for me to stand up to the places where I step on police toes because they believe women shouldn't meddle in security system issues: they like to feel like cops.

I notice you are a physician in Education. Please lets give people like my physician cousins a rest. I'd like them to stop their crazy making because I don't like to spend my time the same way, enjoy the same religion, and people.

Thank you for your prompt reply,


Janine A.F.Sakowicz

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Crazy Remembrance Day

Dear Mr. Coleman:

I am awaiting a reply to my last letter.

I have also attempted to submit a complaint to the Residential Tenancy branch since my arrival in October, 2008. I was turned away because of my poverty, having been harassed by a landlord's group. I complained to Pivot Legal Society to seek assistance, legal aid, trac, and dera. I was blacklisted at all locations including having applications for B.C.housing misplaced 3X.

From a recent re-attempt to submit a complaint to RTB I received a response from a Ms. Taryn A. Evans of the RTB, supervisor. She told me again that my application was inapproprately filled out. Yet the government by charter and provincial legislation is not supposed to discriminate against the poor, handicapped, sick, and people in difficulty finding housing through no fault of their own. I have not got proof of homelessness or low income handy except that these requirements of timely proof require peaceful enjoyment of residence. The landlord groups porny violence makes difficult the accumulation of proof, and since the users of porny violence tend to be conservative, connected with the mining, forestry, military/airforce, engineering, eugencics/ socred/fascist supporters,and related professions they do not understand handicapped issues very well. They do know how to handicap people, how to cripple/maim, disrupt the life of young, middle aged, and older women that are weaker by virtue of the greenback almighty,- and to kill: to snuff ; religious moral issues are usually only an alibi for purposes of money laundering purposes or to control economically, blinding their victims into thinking that they are the beholders of the future. The brutalizing of women, children, youth, and the vulnerable tends to take WW2 lines, a shakedown of hatred and torture to subjugate someone into complying with sex/"service" on demand.

Having dealt with the BC RTB since returning to BC, I find it hard to believe that the people working there are seriously trying to fight for tenants at all. ms. Evans for example would seem to have conservative connections to the mining community of Thunder Bay. I do not want to believe that all the cronies take ethics lightly smugly, and in a bemused fashion as though they had just watched someone kill a cow,and then dreaming of the steaks smile. Optimistcally, you would assume that most would know that brutal violence, torture with illegal weapons, and use of logistics security surveillance equipment to stun, confuse and rob people make it difficult to be the perfect bureaucrat. I am fleeing the brutal violence of a landlord's group connected to some of the above mentioned folks. I submitted documents to local offices 3X ; reprisal, however, I am sure you are aware, makes "timing" unlikely. Please accomodate the disadvantaged, somen/women, children, the handicapped and vulnerable.

When people are abused as they have been in the so called olympic or whatever rationalization homelessness crisis, it can only be a hate crime. It can only be a matter of why the second world war was fought. People given opportunity enjoy creative work and the result. This has been reiterated numerous times during the post war period. The goal of war is peace. We cannot serve Harpars military bizarre bazar: the land is crying out in disgust at the cement, radiation, gases, and the birds won't sing, the fish won't swim, lizards won;t stick out their tongues and the insects won't buzz for your children.

Sex crimes and violent pornography are a war/hate crime. Happy Remembrance Day.

Janine A.F.Sakowicz