I have attempted to obtain feedback from you before via email and letter
Monday, October 5, 2009 11:23:58 AM
Jan Sam
chamber@tb-chamber.on.ca; revans@thunderbay.ca
rlarson@renelarson.com; tb-petitions@ohchr.org; tb-petitions.hchr@unog.ch; tomengel@engelbrubaker.com
Dear Sir and Mme:Please ask the business associates of Donna Law Rose and her family to cease and desist violent and brutal criminal harassment: including mental and physical cruelty and torture connected with your business community in particular mining and music industries. By this I include all persons connected with the Lakehead Light Horse association and those South African and British physicians that did the so called knee surgery on me who thinly disguise themselves as some version of humanism but are stridently nazi admirers.Last night was not the first time I have been subjected to pogrom scenes, people screaming including myself; rumours of people in containment areas and being burned or stuffed in varous manners in the walls of the low cost housing in which I find myself. I am not a garborator afficanado so I am not acquainted with blue machine baggies and how the blue machine works. I was also tortured as a civilian by illegal weapons that use radiation. But I grew up in TB and know you folks from hanging out with some of you. I left as soon as I could. It is only this extremely conservative period of time that has allowed DLRs friends to feel strong enough to torment the vulnerable. They matured into nazi admirers and I see you have opted for German and in my opinion nasty Ukranian ( they aren't cows: the cow; DAKOW), in your policing:Morins, Morrows,etc incl. and as your mayor (yes your mayor would seem to be aware in detail about the premeditated torture/theyused to be neighbours). So the "entertainment" for someone is eugenics "bating" such that I'm still not pregnant, and Donna Law Rose is -quote 'much more vaginal' etc. and boy did I as a Polish Canadian woman (whose father and his kin supported the allies during the war) am not going to even get asked out on a date. {How unusual in TB) I hear the ha ha that I'm a bell weather for Hendersons and McEacherns and they certainly do pester me incessantly and I do know them from highschool eg when Debbie McEachern tried to commit suicide apparently. Anyhow, as I mentioned apparenty I'm a bellweather for the social movements of the post depression eg now it's.down with anti racism, down with social welfare programs and medicare, down with anti-smoking etc. I am still pro social welfare programs and medicare because the poor can't get above the water otherwise. The fact is that Lother Bode and his dear stressed out son Mark, I gather have shares in PhillipMorris because they were stalking and harassing me: eg. my big kiss in Quebec. Well this may seem frank of me to discuss but you might understand as these social programmers know that deucing a person or Finlanding a person or Uking a person can turn you off when your discussing at the same time a pogrom against Polish Canadians... But it seems it's business as usual in TB and no amount of environemental disaster is going to stop the usual Florida porn to turn all the boys into brethern. So I gather you folks get used to seeing maimed women, with shaved,drugged, and deformed pubic areas and deformed feet and limbs and bruised swollen faces. These must be the women that didn't have the rich daddies that the kids across the hall did. (Hammarskjolds across the hall are diving into my basement as #@$%-tease)I'm most definitely not the McCarthy type and listing these low lifes wouldn't be McCarthyism in any stretch of the imagination because they are monitary, vaginal people....Difficulty is a synonym roughly for program, that German speakers of TB might find easier to pronounce. Well, the difficulty is that Donna Law Rose and her very directive Daddy are even bombing me when I try to take care of my interests. This is not acceptable in a democracy. I understand that democracy is not at all the interest of the mining community, policing forces, and certainly not the propoganda forces including the music industry. Nano, robotics and biotechnology is mainly associated with human trafficking and is repugnant to the mentally healthy and in a democracy. I am requesting again and again formally that you cease and desist using me, my image and cease and desist stalking me with your "market research companies". I did not sign a contract; I did not volunteer for America; I did not even join a commune in the 60s. I gather this is why they decided to maimed me repeatedly; and bitterly criminally harass me.I'm open to discussion in a hearing at court about why you would spread hatred about me and my father and even my hard working mother. Briefly though, I gather that it is an alibi for those who want to deflect attention from the jobs they held in TB, what they did during the war and worse their extracurricular activities of the day.Dr. Richard Lockhart and his dad LP Lockhart a known eugenicist, confessed to the maiming and being involved/murdering my father. Please understand that these folks and D.W.Murray and the connection with Arthur Murray dance studio is included in my request that your business community cease and desist torture.
Cordially,Janine A.F.Sakowicz
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